
Ad execs sound the alarm over Google’s risky Privacy Sandbox terms

Todaystopfinds | July 2nd, 2024

Add contractual landmines to marketers’ growing gripes with Google’s third-party cookie alternatives.

Turns out, if its tech stumbles and a company’s profits plummet, guess who’s left footing the bill? Yep, not Google. The companies diving into these alternatives (aka the Privacy Sandbox) are on their own, with no Google-sized safety net in sight. 

While many ad execs have long been aware — it’s right there in the sandbox contracts — the risks hit home hard several weeks ago when a tech glitch rendered the sandbox useless for several hours. Ad revenue took a nosedive for those companies testing it. Google fixed it fast, but not before ad execs caught a glimpse of what could go wrong for them once third-party cookies are history.

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